Tag Archives: words

Wednesday Words & Phrases: Deadline

Deadline quote #1



The notorious Confederate prison camp in Andersonville Georgia was literally Hell on earth for the Union prisoners. Starvation, disease, unruly guards and more often than not other prisoners made the experience one that stretched a man to his limits.

There was something else that played on the prisoners minds though. 17 feet in front of every wall of the prison was a line called the “deadline”. If you crossed the line, even accidentally, the guards would consider you as trying to escape and shoot you.

In the aftermath of the war the commanding officer of the prison camp, Henry Wirtz, stood trial for war crimes, one of the few men that did so after the war. During his trial, the term deadline was used enough and seen enough in the transcripts that the phrase entered common usage.

So the next time you find yourself “up against a deadline” just be glad you weren’t one of the unlucky men that found himself in that position in Andersonville.

Wednesday Words & Phrases: Harbinger

Image result for harbinger
Yeah. Who would have thought harbinger would be such a hard word to find a picture for?


Omen or Portent, often bad

Don’t come all in here like the harbinger of doom!


Dating as far back as the 14th century, the harbinger was an army officer sent out in front of the army to arrange for places for the troops to sleep. At the time such lodgings were called “harbor”.  Often the arrival of the harbinger would lead to a panic amongst the citizenry because the army was not far behind and that meant taxes would be collected and a ton of pillaging would be occurring. Hence the generally negative aspects of something be a harbinger.

There can still be a positive aspect to the term such as a “harbinger of spring, but the gloom and doom usually wins in the end!